House Painting Burlington, ON
Interior & Exterior House Painting Contractors Burlington, ON
Interior & Exterior House Painting Contractors Burlington, ON
Looking for best house painters in Burlington to paint your home/condo?
Imagine waking in a living space that looks clean with colors that perfectly fit your aesthetic. At Painters Burlington, we want to make this dream a reality, which is why we provide several house painting services for you and your family. Whether you need interior painting or exterior painting of your home when you work with us, you’re getting the quality you expect in a timeline that’s unexpected! Our friendly, uniformed crew has experience painting virtually anything you can think of, and we can’t wait to help you!
At Burlington Painters, we are dedicated to making your home painting experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. After all, this is your home we’re talking about. Choosing a house painter in Burlington is a personal decision, even if the project you have in mind is retail or commercial painting rather than a residential painting job. As a result, we take our role very seriously and are committed to delivering the best possible job for you.
Looking for Residential Painting Contractor in Burlington?
We provide all interior and exterior painting services for every type of houses. Want to hire our professionals? Need a Free Quote? or You can’t see services you are looking for, just give us a call at (289) 401-9532, we are happy to help you.
The number one reason people choose to paint their condo? They want their old home to feel new again, and they want it to look great. But making your home look great requires might require more than a new coat of paint. Some homeowners might only need their kitchen repainted, while others need the exterior painted and the deck stained.
At Painters Burlington, we provide a mix and match service selection that’s guaranteed to give you the results you want. Whether we’re fixing up the exterior, or color consulting on a brand new interior, we’re going to help your home look great. Removing old wallpaper, fixing drywall, and getting rid of that popcorn ceiling are all in a day’s work.
Our interior painting service will freshen up your space and give you a unique new look. Revitalize your kitchen, beautify your living space, and add elegance to the bedrooms with a great looking coat of paint.
Protect your home from the havoc of Mother Nature with our exterior painting service. Whether you have vinyl, aluminum, stucco or brick siding, our friendly team of expert house painters will do a great job. Bring back your home’s curb appeal!
Don’t spend your weekend off peeling away old wallpaper when we can do the job for you! As part of our prep work for our interior service, we’ll remove any old wallpaper you have.
Popcorn ceilings were in style a decade ago, but times have changed. If you’re looking for a sleek, smooth look, we can help! We’ll remove your popcorn ceiling and provide your interior with the modern, classy look it deserves.
Homes are meant to be lived in – that’s why it’s not uncommon to see drywall that’s been victim to water damage or large holes. We’ll patch, sand, and prime your drywall to create a perfect surface. It’ll be like you’re living in a brand new home!
When you refinish your existing cabinet doors, you get a whole new look without the astronomical costs normally associated with a kitchen remodel. It’s a much smarter way to update your space, especially if your cabinets are still in good condition. It doesn’t make sense to throw out perfectly good materials, just because you’re tired of the color.
Come summertime, there’s nothing better than sitting on your deck and sipping a cold beverage – unless your deck’s been beaten up by nasty weather. We’ll help you win the fight against Mother Nature by staining and painting your deck to both protect it and make it look great. We also do fence painting if you’re looking to improve your curb appeal!
Power washing is key to removing years of dirt and grime from your property. We can wash your siding, your deck, and your walkway to give your home a simple, clean look. As a bonus, pressure washing ensures that if we do any exterior painting, the paint is absorbed properly.
The spectrum of colors available can be overwhelming, which is why we offer an exclusive color consultation service. We’ll discuss the differences between gloss, satin, and matte, and we’ll help you choose a color that fits your desired aesthetic and looks great long-term.
Looking for House Painting Contractors in Burlington, ON?
We provide all interior and exterior painting services for every type of houses. Want to hire our professionals? Need a Free Quote? or You can’t see services you are looking for, just give us a call at (289) 401-9532, we are happy to help you.
How much do painters charge in Burlington?
Interior: $1.5 to $3 per Square Foot
Exterior: $2.5 to $5 per Square Foot
Windows & Doors: $300 to $700 per Square Foot
Is it worth paying someone to paint your house?
No, unless he/she is professional or at least a painting. It is worth paying someone to do if you don’t want to waste the time and effort on painting your own house.
When a homeowner hires a professional painter, they are getting the valuable expertise of painting professionals. Painting is a job that only takes money for materials and not for the expense of the equipment. So, the question is is it worth paying someone to paint your house? It most definitely is worth paying someone to paint your house.
The best way to determine whether you should hire a professional painter or do it yourself is by assessing the cost of the paint and the time involved. If the cost of the paint is high and the time involved to do it yourself is long, then you might want to hire someone to paint your house.
How much should I pay a painter per hour in Burlington?
$50 to $70 per hour depending upon the type of surface and rate of painters.
How much does it cost to paint a house professionally in Burlington?
In Burlington, the average cost for a 1000 Sq ft house:
Interior: $1500 to $3000
Exterior: $2500 to $5000
How much does it cost to paint a 500 square foot house in Burlington?
Interior: $750 to $1500
Exterior: $1250 to $2500
How much does it cost to paint a 1200 sq ft house in Burlington?
Interior: $1800 to $3600
Exterior: $3000 to $6000
How much does it cost to paint 1400 sq ft house in Burlington?
Interior: $2100 to $4200
Exterior: $3500 to $7000
How much does it cost to paint a 1500 sq ft house in Burlington?
Interior: $2250 to $4500
Exterior: $3750 to $7500
How much does it cost to paint an 1800 sq ft house in Burlington?
Interior: $2400 to $4800
Exterior: $4500 to $9000
How much does it cost to paint a 2000 sq ft in Burlington?
Interior: $3000 to $6000
Exterior: $7000 to $14000
How much does it cost to paint a 2100 square foot house in Burlington?
Interior: $3150 to $6300
Exterior: $5250 to $10500
How much does it cost to paint a 2100 square foot house in Burlington?
Interior: $3150 to $6300
Exterior: $5250 to $10500
How much does it cost to paint a 2500 sq ft house in Burlington?
Interior: $3750 to $7500
Exterior: $6250 to $12500
How much does it cost to paint a 3000 sq ft house in Burlington?
Interior: $4500 to $9000
Exterior: $7500 to $15000
How much does it take to paint a house in Burlington?
1-story Interior: $1500 to $3000
1-story Exterior: $2500 to $5000
2-story Interior: $3750 to $7500
2-story Exterior: $6250 to $12500
3-4-story Interior: $4,000-$7,000
3-4-story Exterior: $6,000-$12,000
How often should a house be painted?
The Interior of the house should be painted every 3 to 5 years and the exterior should be painted every 7 to 10 years.
How much interior paint do I need to paint the house?
1 gallon of paint can cover up to 400 square feet of wall. So you can divide the total area you need to paint by 400, the result is the number of gallons of paints you need for your wall. Example:
If you need to paint 2000 sq ft of the wall, you need 2000/400 = 5 gallons of paints.
How long does it take to paint a 3 bedroom house?
3 to 4 days to paint including preparation, pressure washing, and cleanup.
How long does it take to paint a house in Burlington?
Painting average size houses in Burlington can take two to three days.
Do I need to prime before painting?
Better apply primer before painting. Especially if you want a drastic change in the color of your house or cover the dark color with a lighter color. Priming before painting is a step in the process that greatly increases the quality of your painting and its longevity, but not every type of surface requires priming. Primer coats provide a level, consistent surface for applying paint.
Primer acts as an intermediary between the surface being painted and the paint, filling in any imperfections on the surface. Paint blends over the top of the primer creating a uniform, smooth surface. Priming is essential to a successful paint job. We recommend using a primer with all interior house paint jobs.
Should you paint your house in Winter?
You can paint your house in Winter. We would even recommend painting your house when it’s cold because it can be quite difficult to paint in the heat.
The best time to paint your house is in the Spring. This is because the temperature gets too hot in the summer and the paint will too dry quickly. Similarly, the temperature is too cold in the Winter and you will have to wait for a long time for the paint to dry.
Is it cheaper to paint yourself or hire a painter?
You, if you have time and want to save your money. Otherwise, hire a professional to make your investment worth it.