Cost to Paint Exterior Windows and Door Frames in Burlington, ON
Are you looking to paint exterior windows and door frames? If yes, then you should know that painting them is much cheaper than you might expect. In fact, it costs as less as $100 per window or frame.
Painting exterior windows and doors can be a great way to improve the look of your home. The problem is that they can also be quite expensive. This is because you will need to hire professionals to complete the job.
There are ways to save money on painting exterior windows and door frames. For instance, if you choose to do it yourself, you can get away with using spray paint instead of buying professional-grade paints.
Here are the range of cost:
- $100 to $250 per frame.
- $1000 for french windows.
- $1,000 to $3000 for dormers.
- You can expect to spend $200 to $2000 in total to paint all door frames.
Factors that Effect the Cost
Size of window/door
The size of the window or door is a major factor that affects the cost of painting. If the size is small then the job will take longer than if the size was larger. Smaller sizes require more paint coats than larger ones. In addition, smaller windows and doors may need more sanding before they’re ready for priming. Sanding removes any surface imperfections and creates a smooth surface to prime. Larger windows and doors may have fewer imperfections and less sanding.
Color of the Window/Door Frame
If the color of the frame is dark, the amount of time and effort needed to prep the surfaces is much higher than if the color were lighter. Dark colors often require more prep work than lighter colors. Paint jobs on darker frames are more difficult to apply evenly and tend to look streaky.
Surface Preparation
The type of surface preparation (prepping) determines how well the primer adheres to the surface. If the surface is clean and free of debris, the primer should adhere easily. However, if the surface is dirty, the primer may not stick properly. Cleaning the surface is an important step in preparing the surface for painting. A good cleaning will remove dirt, grease, and other contaminants.
Type of Primer
There are two types of primers: water-based and oil-based. Water-based primers are easier to use and apply than oil-based primers. Oil-based primers are thicker and harder to apply. They provide long lasting protection and last longer than water-based primers. Both types of primers are available at home improvement stores.
Time of Application
The length of time between applying the primer and applying the first coat of paint varies depending on the type of paint being applied. When using latex paints, the time between applying the primer to applying the first coat of latex paint ranges from 1 week to 2 weeks. Latex paints dry faster than oil-based paints. Oil-based paints generally require about 4 to 6 hours before the first coat of paint dries.
Weather Conditions
Weather conditions affect drying times. Drying times vary according to temperature and humidity levels. Low temperatures slow down the drying process and high humidity levels increase the risk of mold forming. If weather conditions are unfavorable, the painter will wait until conditions improve before beginning the project.
Amount of Coats Applied
The number of coats applied also affects the final price of the job. More coats mean more labor costs and materials, but they also help protect the finish and prevent peeling. One coat of paint is usually sufficient for small projects. Two coats are recommended for exterior wood trim and three coats are recommended for interior trim.
Looking for Quote?
If you want to do some home exterior painting but don’t want to do the work yourself, our exterior painters can help. Even if you’re undecided,Painters Burlington can help you with any questions you may have.